Headin' to Milan Italy starting in October to be a teaching assistant for English classes at a trade school.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Take off for taking off

It has been a while since my last post, but I suppose there has not been much to post about. However, with me leaving within just over a week a lot of stuff has happened. First of all, I find out last week that not all the correct paperwork made it done to the consulate in San Francisco for my visa application (although I did everything I was supposed to do). So now in the next week or so before I take off we have to get my passport back from San Francisco, with or without the visa in it, so I can leave on time. I've tried to get in touch with my program director in Italy but haven't heard anything about the situation yet, although I expect a response by at least tomorrow (Monday). Stress aside from that my pending departure has given me the chance to make sure I touch base with different people I won't be seeing for some time. Tonight I had two dinners (!), one with some great old family friends whose son I grew up with and the other dinner with some coworkers at Willamette Falls Hospital. Let me tell you, right now I am stuffed! It really gives me a good feeling to know of everyone that is wishing me well in my trip. I've thought about it a good bit lately and realizing that I'll be living alone in a foreign country is a little intimidating. However, it is great to know and remember everyone that I've had a chance to see before I leave. In fact, I got a card from my coworkers that was signed by everyone in the department and I loved it. I was thinking to myself that this is something I am going to bring with me on my trip because it just makes me feel good. About the same time my supervisor Gayle tells me I need ot bring it along so I can remember everyone! Well, it has officially been added to my luggage list. This next week is going to be a busy one for sure. Monday I am meeting with a woman named Karen Hinsndale who is very well respected in the wine industry in Portland. I plan to go to Eugene, Corvallis, get new eye glasses, get a haircut, get a new drivers liscense and I'm sure I am leaving some other things out. And that is just on top of everything else I need to do like pack! I'm sure it is going to fly by before I know it, too. To all of you out there that are reading this that I saw tonight, I'm really going to miss you all and I love you!


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