Headin' to Milan Italy starting in October to be a teaching assistant for English classes at a trade school.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sono arrivato a Milano!

Well, after many minor setbacks, i finally made it to milan. i'm feeling kind of good about my language skills, they'll just be getting better as it goes along. i'll soon be moving into an apartment (as soon as i make contact with the landlady again), but for right now i'm kicking it in my little hotel room. it doesnt feel like im really jetlagged, but that will probably change within a few hours. im defintely not gonna last until normal bedtime. and dont mind the typos im making, it will take a little time to get used to these italian keyboards. i mean, it took me about a full minute to find the stupid '@'. Well, just a little check in to let anyone who actually reads this that i am alive and well. and full of pizza and fanta. until next time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy to be in the same time zone as you cuz. If you ever find a fanta cousin named stoney there, it is a delicious ginger beer.

7:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pizzaaaaaaa.....i'm a hungry hungry hippo.

5:22 PM


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