Headin' to Milan Italy starting in October to be a teaching assistant for English classes at a trade school.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

If Germans love David Hasselhoff, do Italians love Steven Seagal? and thoughts on apertifs

Everyone says that Germans love David Hasselhoff. I propose an equivalent for Italy. None other than Steven Seagal. Just channel surfing I'm under the impression that at least three times a week on one of the normal tv channels there is a Seagal movie. It is crazy (in the sense that he's made so many terrible movies and that all of them make their way here).

I feel like I had to get that off my chest. Now, something regarding Milan. I've read that it is the home of the 'happy hour'. This isn't the happy hour that we think of where drink prices are lowered or food prices slightly less w/a drink. Here happy hour means buy a cocktail for around 8 euros and you get an all you can eat buffet. They are all over the place, some of which are good and have a nice spread, others which don't. The hours run from 7-9 or later, so it's the perfect way to start a night.

In other news, in an effort to meet some new people I am currently trying to make contact with a group called a Hare Club. They are a running group of Italians and expats which run around the city and then eat at nearby restaurant once a week or so. Now, I'm not big on running, as most of you probably know. But to meet some new people I'll give it a go. Oh yeah, by the way, their slogan is 'A drinking club with a running problem'. If it's like that, I think I can manage.

I'm also trying to find information on some dance classes, although I haven't had much luck. Most classes are already going and I would have to wait til January to sign up.


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