Headin' to Milan Italy starting in October to be a teaching assistant for English classes at a trade school.

Monday, December 11, 2006

A petite recap on the French weekend

Well, I'm back in Milan after a three night stay in the south of France. Talk about a beautiful place! We stayed in a town called Aix-en-provence, which was really cool. I met up with Steph and Jenna (who I know through my cousin Mike (hey cuz!)). The first day we made a day trip to Marseille, which I've been told is the drug smuggling capital of Europe. It is a neat port town but it rained cats and dogs and ferrets and even hamsters almost the whole time we were there. Of course, I didn't bring an umbrella or anything water proof either, but that's all good. We still had a good time trudging along. A short recap of the next two days would go like this:

- good weather in Aix. It seemed like it was fall because there were fresh leaves on the ground
- there were awesome markets in aix. so much fresh food, fruit, veggies, cheese, olives, etc. there were clothes, artisinal goods and more too. Being a bit of a foodie I could have spent hours just wandering through the food market in a trance.
- the boulangiere bakery near the apartment. they had these awesome little croissaint like pastries with chocolate. perfect way to start the day.
- me trying to speak french, with varying success and disasters
- me breaking a water glass in the Thai restaurant with my giant chopsticks
- doing french style spanish tapas the first night (with a seafood salad that was to-die-for. octopus, shrimp, fish, calamari and vinagerette = yummmy yummy yummy I got love in my tummy)
- realizing how much I miss french fries
- randomly meeting some kid from Vanderbilt, going back to his ridiculous apartment, drinking a lot of wine, having some good laughs
- waking up the next morning after 4 hours of sleep
- hanging out with two really cool people and getting to know them better

I know there is more to expand upon but this is what comes to mind at the moment. All in all it was a really fun trip. I also got to see Nice during my stop over for the train to Milan. I wish I could post some pictures. When I first saw the beach from the train (something that I love about riding the trains near the coast, sometimes you are literally no more than 30 meters from the water) the first thing that popped into my mind was how if I was rich I would own a house their. A couple of movies came to mind that have scenes in the south of france. It is really hard not to just fall in love with the coast.

Well, tonight I'll be going Hashing again with the Brits of Milan. Before that I gotta go find some decent running shoes that don't cost an arm and a leg and get ready for the day (yes I slept into noon, traveling can be tiring). Take care everyone!


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