Headin' to Milan Italy starting in October to be a teaching assistant for English classes at a trade school.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

My fortune cookie prophecy

Well, first let me thank you for coming to my little hole in the web. Hopefully I will use this blog as a means of giving a glimpse of what's going on in my life while in Italy and Europe. I took the idea from my cousin Mike who is romping about Africa at the moment . So as you probably know if you're here I'm going to Milan Italy to be a teaching assistant for six months. I'll be leaving October 16 2006 and coming back June 1 2007.

So why the title of the post you ask? Today I lunched with my grandparents, mom and aunt at some Chinese restaurant called "The Jade Dragon". After we ate the fortune cookies came out. Let me just say that while I always like fortune cookies, they are a misnomer. I mean, they usually just tell you something like "you are well liked by friends" or "be careful with your money". For once I would like to get one that said "Help me! I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory!" or something cool. Well, today the fortune cookie gods benevolently chose me to be the reciever of the following fortune:

"You desire to discover new frontiers. It's time to travel"

Well put fortune cookie, well put.