Headin' to Milan Italy starting in October to be a teaching assistant for English classes at a trade school.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The District of Columbi-Yeah!

It is cold in D.C. Very cold. And yes, I made it back to the States in one piece. I've been in D.C. since Thursday with my cousin Gabe, who has shown me a good time. We went out to the bars a few times and had two really good dinners. One of the things I really missed in Italy was the ability to eat any type of food when I wanted. Sure, the Italians rock Italian food. This much is clear. However, one thing I love about being in America is the shear variety of good quality resaurant food. One night we went to an asian-south american fusion restaurant where I had a rice noodles with carnitas dish with some barbequed eel sushi. Washed it all down with a brazilian cocktail.

The night after that we had greek/persian tapas, which was awesome. And expensive, as tapas tends to be, however it was worth it. The sampling of so many dishes is the way to go. Fried eggplant with a garlic yogurt sauce, goat cheese wrapped in grape leaves and herbs, spiced lamb kebab, a moroccan style chicken, just to name a few (I think we had something like 13 mini plates between the three of us).

Besides posting only about food (which is seemingly the recurring theme in my blog and life lately...hmmmm...if only I could figure out a way to make this into a job...) it is really nice to see some familiar faces and be on familiar ground. It's great to travel and live in another country and have that experience but it's nice being back in the culture I grew up in.


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