Headin' to Milan Italy starting in October to be a teaching assistant for English classes at a trade school.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Things I've learned along the way...

1) The fine for not having a bus ticket in Milan is 35 Euros and can be payed on the spot.

2) Italian bureacracy is the 8th wonder of the world. It's like that kid from highschool that managed to flunk out of the easiest class around. You know, when you have to put forth more effort to do it incorrectly than what it would take to do it correctly the first time.

3) Teaching could very well be the right career path for me. I enjoy being up in front of people in that setting, the interaction with the students, challenging them, not having every day be the same, teachers vacations and being someone that they could look up to.

4) That the kindness of your hosts while traveling is irreplaceable.

5) Keeping in touch with people, friends and family is important. In fact, one of my new years resolutions is to stay in contact with everyone who has moved away (and maintain good contact with those still around the Portland area when I return).

6) There really are some of the best dressed people I've ever seen strutting around Milan. I've seen many examples of the perfectly tailored suit. Truly a thing of beauty and a rare find in day to day Oregonian life.

7) Once you've gotten used to Italian espresso, there's no going back to venti sized mocha caramel Starbucks monstrosities. Pass me my creamy shot of espresso and let's make a go of it.

8) They really do all drink Guiness in Ireland (well, mostly). Also, the grass at Trinity College in Dublin has mutant green grass that puts my beloved Oregonian green to shame.

9) I have a newgound love for Spaghetti Westerns. This is due to multiple viewings on tv and one really cool free public concert conducted by Enrico Morricone, who wrote the more memorable music for these movies (like the music to The Good, The Bad and TheUgly).

10) In the Italian version of the Simpsons (or I Simpson) the Quicky Mart = Jet Mart, Moe's = da Boe and at in least one case Barney Gumble's burp was not audible...strange.

Just a quick list of a few things that came to mind, and while I may be returning to the States shortly, I'll be keeping the blog up until I get back to Portland. Cheers...


Blogger Michael said...

Enrico Morricone is perhaps one of the best composers of this century. The music from the mission would be a fine example of that!
Just climbed down from the top of kili cuz. it was a whole other world there. someday lets go to another cold extreme together.... maybe chicago.

1:43 AM

Blogger Katie said...

Hi Matt...I stumbled across your blog while tackling a project for work. (You should be thrilled because I've NEVER taken the time to read a random person's blog - you're my first)
After living in Itlay for 9 months, I have a great appreciation for your notes on Italian lessons...so thanks for humoring me.
Oh, and I wouldn't stress about the permesso...if you're American, you should be fine.
Buona fortuna!

7:33 AM


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