Headin' to Milan Italy starting in October to be a teaching assistant for English classes at a trade school.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Like Find Champaign(- Urbana)

I'm now heading off to Lanesboro, MN. My time here in Illinois has been short but quite enjoyable. I stayed with my friend John that I know from ultimate frisbee. He's a grad student here studying educational psychology, and therefore a busy boy. But we were able to hang out a good amount and had just an awesome time. We shared about a million stories from our ultimate frisbee days and had a lot of laughs. We even managed to throw the disc around a little bit, which was nice because I hadn't thrown one in over 5 months probably. All the frisbee reminiscing made me remember how fun the comradery of a team could be and how fun the ultimate frisbee culture is. I'm thinking about joining a team when I get back to Portland, however I don't want to join in an effort to recreate the good times I had in Eugene and on our tournaments, because I think when your team is just college players you probably end up with more silly stories and shenanegans. In any case, I had a nice three nites here. I even went up the Sears tower in Chicago when I was waiting for my train. That was kinda neat but the visibility was kinda crappy. I still got some cool shots. So before I head out the door I'll let you know that there is something like a severe weather warning for the area of Minnesota that I am going to. If weather.gov is right I should be looking at a whole lot of snow coming down up there over the weekend. Should be interesting. My friend Steph has promised a whole slough (sp?) of things to do, one of which involves a magician. Be. Excited. BE BE EXCITED!

peace out


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